The Yahoo
Yellow Pages Package is a great way to reach
customers who are actively looking for a
business just like yours!
This package
preferred Sponsored Business Listing in
the Yahoo Yellow Pages directory
Listing in Yahoo Local which displays
your business information when customers
search for similar businesses in your
area on the Yahoo search engine
Submission of your Website to over 30
search engines including Google and AOL
With millions
of users Yahoo's Yellow Page Directory
is one of the most widely used online yellow
page directories in the world and allows
your ad to reach ready-to-buy customers that
are searching for businesses just like yours
in your local area.
Your listing
will appear in the Yahoo Yellow Pages above
the standard alphabetical listings in a
special "Sponsored Business Listing" section
and include such details as your business
name, phone number, address, website, and a
map to your location.

In addition,
you will receive a company profile page for
your listing that will include details about
your business that are of interest to your
potential customers such as hours of
operation, pricing, payment options, parking
and more.
By appearing
above the standard listings, customers will
be encouraged to contact you instead of a
the Yahoo Yellow Pages Package for just
* This package is
only available to US based businesses that
advertise in the local yellow pages.